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Does the module support Nuxt 2 ?

No, the module at least requires Nuxt 3.

For Nuxt 2, you can use this module.

How does Leaflet compare to Mapbox ?

Mapbox is a mapping platform that provides a suite of tools to create maps and location-based services. It includes similar features to Leaflet, but with paid plans for more advanced services.

Think of Leaflet as an open-source technology, while Mapbox is a complete collection of advanced tools and services.

Both are great choices, it depends on your needs and budget. To be fair, the creator of Leaflet also works at Mapbox.

If you want to use Mapbox with Nuxt, you can use the Nuxt Mapbox module.

How does Leaflet compare to MapLibre ?

MapLibre is a fork of the original Mapbox GL JS library. It has very similar features to Leaflet, and is also free and open-source.

Quote from MapLibre's Github repository

MapLibre originated as an open-source fork of mapbox-gl-js, before their switch to a non-OSS license in December 2020.

The library's initial versions (1.x) were intended to be a drop-in replacement for the Mapbox’s OSS version (1.x) with additional functionality, but have evolved a lot since then.

If you want to use MapLibre with Nuxt, we recommend using the Nuxt MapLibre module.

Will Leaflet.draw be supported in the future ?

Leaflet.draw was created to provide a simple way to draw shapes on a map made with Leaflet.

However, as the project is not maintained anymore (last update in 2018, see Github repository), we choose not to include its support in the module.