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Further documentation for these components was highly inspired from Vue2 Leaflet Documentation, Vue Leaflet Demo and the original Leaflet Documentation.

If you find any errors, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Props and events can be verified by looking at the vue-leaflet components.


The module automatically registers the following components from Vue Leaflet :

  • LCircle
  • LCircleMarker
  • LControl
  • LControlAttribution
  • LControlLayers
  • LControlScale
  • LControlZoom
  • LFeatureGroup
  • LGeoJson
  • LIcon
  • LImageOverlay
  • LLayerGroup
  • LMap
  • LMarker
  • LPolygon
  • LPolyline
  • LPopup
  • LRectangle
  • LTileLayer
  • LTooltip
  • LWmsTileLayer