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Creates a map layer where each tile is an instantiated Vue component. Each tile component is given coords props by LGridLayer to indicate the zoom level and position of the tile (see


From Vue Leaflet :

TODO NEXT: While sorting out type errors in LGridLayer.vue, I realized I'm not sure how or even if its infrastructure is particularly used well. In Vue2Leaflet, you could pass an arbitrary Vue component to the LGridLayer, to be rendered for each tile with its coords passed as props. But that doesn't seem set up here. Should we replicate V2L exactly here? Set things up so that the LGridLayer's $slot can be where/how the component is setup/configured/passed/added? Simply stick with the childRender prop and simplify some of the logic in LGridLayer.vue?


<LMap style="height: 350px" :zoom="8" :center="[47.21322, -1.559482]">
    attribution="&amp;copy; <a href=&quot;;>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"

<script setup>
import { h } from 'vue'

const childRender = (props) => () => {
  return h(
    { style: "border: 1px solid grey; height: 100%;" },
    `x: ${props.coords.x} y: ${props.coords.y} z: ${props.coords.z}`


Prop nameDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault
opacityOpacity of the tilesNumber-1.0
zIndexThe explicit zIndex of the tile layerNumber-1
tileSizeWidth and height of tiles in the grid. Use a number if width and height are equal, or L.point(width, height) otherwise.Number|L.Point-256
noWrapWhether the layer is wrapped around the antimeridian. If true, the GridLayer will only be displayed once at low zoom levels. Has no effect when the map CRS doesn't wrap around.Boolean-false
minZoomThe minimum zoom level down to which this layer will be displayed (inclusive)Number-undefined
maxZoomThe maximum zoom level up to which this layer will be displayed (inclusive)Number-undefined
classNameA custom class name to assign to the tile layer. Empty by default.String-''

Inherited props

from layer.ts
Prop nameDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault
paneBy default the layer will be added to the map's overlay pane. Overriding this option will cause the layer to be placed on another pane by defaultString-'overlayPane'
attributionString to be shown in the attribution control, e.g. "© OpenStreetMap contributors". It describes the layer data and is often a legal obligation towards copyright holders and tile providers.String-null
layerTypeString in ["base", "overlay"]--
from component.ts
Prop nameDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault
optionsLeaflet options to pass to the component constructorObject-{}


Event nameTypeDescription
update:visiblebooleanTriggers when the visible prop needs to be updated
readyobjectTriggers when the component is ready